Some visitors wonder why our cabins have such unusual names. I guess you could say it’s a regional thing or maybe a professional hazard. Owners Paul and Jennifer Breuer moved to southern West Virginia in the 1970s because they loved outdoor adventure. As founders of one of the first whitewater rafting companies on the New and Gauley rivers, Mountain River Tours, they know the New River Gorge area inside and out.
Paul and Jennifer love to share their decades of knowledge and expertise with guests staying at their Country Road Cabins. They share their affection for the local rivers by naming our cabins after rapids on the New and Gauley Rivers, or after iconic West Virginia themes. The Pillow Rock, the Insignificant, the Surprise, the Iron Ring, are all memorable rapids from the two incredible river adventures. We think the cabin reflect both this sense of intense adventure and the soothing calm of the river itself. Even though Mountain River Tours has become part of our partner company Adventures on the Gorge, the names, stories, and images stay with us always.
For a more in depth look at our cabins names, visit this post: